What is Light Hearted Ladies?

A Virtual Forum for Friendship and Faith

Most women struggle to find time to nurture their spirits and souls. In the course of an average day, we take care of everything from kids to pets to deadlines to dinner. We put our best face and foot forward, doing our duties as wives, mothers, daughters, friends, neighbors,
volunteers, employees, and/or entrepreneurs.

Eventually, a kink in the tightrope schedule sends tremors through the entire framework. We shop for everything online to save time, even groceries–if we manage to find time to cook! So, finding a couple of hours to go to a ‘ladies' meeting’ may seem far down the list of time priorities.

I used to think the internet was a poor substitute for real relationships. But I have begun to think differently. It is a wonderful tool for keeping people connected across vast distances in ways never before possible. Via the world wide web, we can share in life events even though we may be separated by thousands of miles. In the last few years, I have been able to share our families’ graduations, weddings, and births with friends very far away. And I have been able to rejoice with them as they celebrated and grieved when they grieved as well.

A growing number of couples begin relationships through Internet conversations. I personally know several couples whose internet romances have led to successful marriages. I also know a mother who was separated from her daughter for many years. The daughter thought her mother had died. They were reunited via social media. I myself have been able to reconnect with family members I had completely lost track of through social media. Through the darkest time of my life, the greatest encouragement I received came via email and text. I now understand that relationship via technology is verifiable, viable, and valuable.

In the light of this revelation, I have created Light Hearted Ladies: An Intergenerational Confluence of Women. This is a forum for friendship and faith, a place for women to grow, flow, and glow together. Join in theconversation! Make some new friends and invite some old ones to come with you!